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Earlier this week, Nike announced that Colin Kaepernick will be the spokesman for their new ad campaign. As soon as the ad was released, it generated a flurry of news and social media conversation (aka controversy). Almost immediately, several other likenesses were generated that are currently circulating, the smaller pics are a few Googled examples.


There are certain situations in life where reverence and respect should be maintained, here are a few examples:

- During the playing of the national anthem in any situation - stand, put your hand on your heart (or salute if you are ex-military), and sing. Many of my grandparents, uncles, other family members, fellow classmates from Campbell University (near Fort Bragg, NC), and other friends have served in the armed services and/or are still serving. For me, standing during the anthem shows them the respect they earned along with the millions of others that have served our country.

- When a bride (or groom) walks down the aisle OR during a funeral procession - stand and acknowledge. Regardless of whom is getting married or has passed, there is normally an opportunity to stand and pay your respects to the happy couple or the loved one that has passed during the service.

- During prayer - bow your head and stand. Whether at the dinner table, at church, prior to the beginning of a sporting event, etc., whenever prayer occurs, bow your head and even if you are choosing not to, acknowledge the others that are praying.

- When a judge walks into a courtroom - "all rise for the honorable so and so..." If you are the defendant or plaintiff, you stand and pay your respects to the individual presiding over your case.

- Any time the late Aretha Franklin sang - sing, dance, but most importantly, stand and pay R-E-S-P-E-C-T...

I do not agree with nor do I support Colin Kaepernick and/or any other individual's decision to distrustfully "protest" during the national anthem. I can devise many other ways that people, especially those that already have the spotlight, could constructively protest in a respectful manner.


While I 100%, no BS, disagree with Colin Kaepernick's and others decision to protest during the national anthem, I will fervently support their right to do so...

As a private company, I will also support the NFL's choice to form policies that ban or encourage similar behavior. The NFL has the right to create policies that support their league. As citizens, we have the right to choose whether we watch or attend NFL games, to speak out as "for" or "against" any protests, and/or to continue to support the Nike brand. Nike nor the NFL is violating anyone's individual liberties, including their players. Whatever the NFL decides as a league and the individual teams decide to do, the players will then have the right to agree or disagree, to play or not play, etc. in the NFL. There are plenty of other leagues around the world (CFL, NFL Europe, etc.) that would welcome a talented NFL player onto their team.

If I were consulting with the NFL, I would advise them do nothing from a policy perspective. I would suggest releasing a statement such as "the NFL will not be making any changes to our current player conduct policy due to the recent protest(s) and we encourage the media, our fans, and the public to address your support, questions, and/or concerns to the individual players directly,"  and see what happens...

If I were advising Colin Kaepernick, I would encourage him to make the actual contractual agreement with Nike public and to fully disclose the compensation involved. Since he currently has a net worth of $22 million and may have played a few more years in the NFL, I would advise him to keep 3 years of income equal to the minimum NFL annual salary ($480k per year in 2018) from his Nike endorsement deal and to donate the rest of his compensation to organizations in his community or communities. Taking this action would help to solidify him publicly a leader that supports his beliefs with action.

JUST DO not forget that NIKE is an expert at marketing. While their stock price may have tumbled over the past few days, millions of people are discussing and sharing the NIKE name and is that not the goal of a good marketing campaign?

If you want to have a constructive conversation about this or anything else, message me, and let's grab coffee or a beer.

Have a good one,
