
My name is Dan Thrailkill and I live in Woodstock, Georgia (USA) with my husband and 2 adopted sons. I believe everyone is responsible for their life and should be enabled with the liberty to craft it appropriately.  On January 13th, 1988, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and feel that being a "victim" of anything is not productive.​​

I enjoy being a part of something important and valued in my community.  I better myself by learning more everyday. Some of my favorite subjects are Economics/Business, Health, Fitness, Cooking, and Politics.  I know myself to be a kinesthetic learner (learn by doing), prefer to take action to accomplish goals, enjoy influencing positive outcomes by connecting and/or motivating others, and always prefer to lead by example.​

If you want to know more about me, my opinions, my experience, or have something you want to discuss, let’s chat.

Dan Thrailkill and Family

Dan, his husband Joe, and their 2 adopted sons.

“Nothing in our constitution suggests that government is the grantor of rights. Instead it is the protector of rights.”

— Dr. Walter E. Williams

All of the published opinions on Thraikill.us are my own. If you want to have a constructive conversation, message me and let's grab coffee or a beer.

Blue Ridge Mountains

One of my favorite pics of the Blue Ridge mountains