Common Sense labeled as Extremist
As our country and world continue to combat actual injustices and those that are perceived, I continue to get this strange feeling that things are going to get much worse before they get better and that reasonable people with common sense will be labeled as extremist. Anyone that allows all opinions to be considered and more importantly, discussed, is progressively becoming “crazy talk.”
My Common Sense on The Atlantic's article entitled: Georgia's Experiment in Human Sacrifice
The Atlantic Magazine published the above listed article on 4/29/2020. After reading it, My Common Sense B.S. radar activated, so I jotted something down
Why PRIDE is for the Past
A large portion of card carrying members of the LGBT community identify the L, G, B, or T as the primary factor in identifying who they are as individuals vs just a portion of it.
How to have productive conversations about occasionally difficult topics to improve daily communication
Welcome to My Common Sense
The first post explains what readers should expect from My Common Sense.